The lovely author, Laurie Tomlinson, is hosting another pre-conference mix and mingle. This year I get to join in the fun, ‘cuz I’m going to the ACFW conference. Yay! So here are a few tidbits about me…
Name: Preslaysa Williams
Location: Virginia
What you write/tagline/trademark: Contemporary Inspirational Romance & Middle Grade fiction “Stories that make you smile”
Place in the book world: Pre-pubbed writer. Currently editing my third manuscript and preparing my fourth.
On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: 2-foot-pole with the potential for a hug. After we chat a couple of times, a hug would be fine. (I’m an introvert with personal space issues :-/ )
The unique talking point that will get you going for hours: The meaning of life. I enjoy deep, one on one conversations with folks. (Did I say I’m an introvert?)
Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My husband, my five year old son, my three year old daughter, and my cat
Conference goals we can pray for? I want to develop meaningful relationships, learn some writing craft tools to add to my toolbox, and not overeat.
Anything we can celebrate with you? I’m still writing stories. I must love it 🙂
One or two ways we can help you build your platform? You can sign up for my email list here (You’ll see the form on my home page) and you can like my Facebook page here.
Great to meet you, Preslaysa! I’m an introvert, too, so I know what you mean about one-on-one conversations. A good, deep, connecting, meaningful conversation is my favorite! 🙂
Great to meet you too, Laura! Introverts unite!!
I’m uniting with the introverts from my corner ;o) You’re welcome to join me for a meaningful conversation. We can dispense with the platitudes. Glad to see there’s another get to know you first hugger. I thought I was alone.