I don’t want to give my man scraps, but after a long day of caring for the kiddos, my brain is fuzzed out. It can be tough to give it that ol’ Susie Homemaker try. At six o’clock in the evening, the kids have caught a second wind of energy, and I’m simply trying to hot dog it till we put them to bed.
Like I said in last week’s post, I am not a Stepford wife.
But I am a wife on a mission: a mission to keep my marriage intact during these tenuous small children years. So while my husband won’t see me donned in a perfectly pressed A-line dress and heels at five o’clock in the evening, I want to be showered and dressed when the sun sets.
Okay, I’ll set my goals a little higher (just a little). Here are 3 chaos free ways to meet your man at the end of the day:
Number one: Take a shower and get dressed in normal clothes.
I have to mention this again because it really has to be done before the end of the day. Moms who work outside the home have it made in this department. Their employer requires they don’t show up at the office in their jammies or sweats. The rest of us wandering SAHMs have to remember to do this. There have been times when I haven’t gotten dressed until well into the afternoon (or evening!) On those days, I felt slightly off and disoriented. So do yourself (and your mailman) a favor and clean yourself up before Noon please. (Thanks!)
Number two: Shove all the toy clutter blocking the entrance in a closet.
Notice, I didn’t say put the toys in perfectly labeled Ikea bins. Just make sure the entryway is clear of all the kid junk. A clear entryway will be like rolling out the red carpet for him. (Not really, but close enough.) First impressions are everything. As for the rest of the house well…don’t worry about that.
Number three: Burn a scented candle (especially if you haven’t had time to make dinner).
I do this all the time. I have had a lot of dinner fails recently. Buy one of those lovely scented Glade candles from Walmart or Target and light it up, baby! The simulated scent of Pumpkin Pie or Vanilla or whatever will make him believe (albeit, briefly) that you actually baked something from scratch.
What about you? How do you prepare for your man’s arrival at the end of the day?
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