Admitting to God.
Confession of my sin is the second part I cover while prayer journaling. It’s when I come clean to God about areas of weakness. However my natural human tendency is to avoid admitting any wrong doing. It’s easier for me to justify my actions…
Easier in the short term.
If I don’t confess my sins to God regularly, they pile up and over time it keeps me from honest fellowship with Him. This leads to strained relationships with my family and friends. Strained relationships lead to strained effectiveness in God’s particular calling in this season of life. Not good at all.
So, while it can be hard, I write in my journal about my sins and ask God to help me overcome areas of weakness in my life. The effects are amazing. Each time I confess to Him, I feel loved by Him even more. God is first and foremost a Father.
As a mother, I know the degree of love I have for my son is small compared to the depth of love God has for each of His children. So yes, admitting my sins to Him is tough at first but because He loves me, I know He only has my best interests at heart.