(A repost from February 2, 2011)
“But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.”
(Exodus 32:32, NIV)
God wrote a book and it has you in it. That’s an awesome thought. To know the God of the universe has ordered your lives and planned it in such detail that He wrote it in a book. This scripture demonstrates God is not a God of randomness or chance. The best corrolation I can use is my own experence of writing a novel.
I’ve heard it said there are two types of novelists: pantsers and plotters. ‘Pantsers’ are those who fly by the seat of their pants, writing the story as it comes to them without any planning or forethought. ‘Plotters’ are those who plan their story ahead of time and, to varying degrees, follow the plan they set forth. No matter whether a writer is a ‘pantser’ or a ‘plotter’, at some point during the creative process, they’ll have to sit down and clearly delineate their story’s progression, i.e. plot it out.
I think God is a plotter. Psalm 139:16 (NIV) states: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
He planned your life before you were even formed. He wrote all of your days in His book. From day to day, you may not know the details of that plan and that’s where faith comes in. Seeking Him and relying on Him daily enables you to fully live out the plan He plotted out for you beforehand.
Till next Wednesday…
“But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.”
(Exodus 32:32, NIV)