I’m excited about today’s interview with authors Diana Brandmeyer and Marty Lintvedt. Their non-fiction book, We’re Not Blended, We’re Pureed explores the dynamics of blended families and releases this month.

PW: Welcome to The Literary Mama, Diana and Marty. Tell us a little about yourself.
Diana: Thanks for having us, Preslaysa. I’m a widowed mom that remarried another widower. We have 3 boys, two of them are married now, so yay! for daughter-in-laws. I also write fiction. I like to ride my bike with my husband and to relax I like to sew.
Marty: I’m a mom to four, one of them is married, so I too have a daughter-in-law. I’m a practicing licensed family counselor and a pastor’s wife. I have a great love for music and I direct the church choir.
PW: What sparked the idea for We’re Not Blended, We’re Pureed?
Diana: I normally write fiction, but one day on the phone our agent Tamela Hancock Murray asked if I could write a book about blending families. I laughed and said, We’re not blended we’re pureed, and the next thing I know I’m writing the book.
Marty: Diana asked me to co-author with her when Concordia Publishing House expressed an interest in the book. They thought a mental health professional’s input would bring something extra to it.
PW: How do you hope your book will help blended families?
Diana: I share my personal story about blending our family and there were so many times I wished for someone to talk to that was experiencing the same things. I’m hoping this book will make other moms feel less lonely and that they aren’t alone in this journey.
Marty: We’re Not Blended, We’re Pureed addresses many issues that arise when you join families because of a loss, be it the death of a marriage or a spouse. There are checklists and notes from others that will be helpful.
PW: What type of research was involved in writing We’re Not Blended, Just Pureed?
Diana: I didn’t have to research through books, I lived it. I did have to walk through some painful memories.
Marty: I’m a licensed counselor, but I did search through several books and the references are listed in the back of the book if a reader needs more information on a subject. I also compiled data from surveys completed by adults who had blended families.
PW: In your view, what unique challenges do Christian blended families face and how can they succeed despite those challenges?
Diana: Facing up to failures, you can’t do everything right and you need to let it go and let God take center stage.
Marty: Most families experience a series of transitions but blending families typically experience many transitions simultaneously, especially early on. This is very stressful. Remaining rooted in Christ is vital, particularly when the family tree has many branches testing the strength of its trunk.
PW: How can readers get in touch with you?
Diana: The website is www.werenotblended.com or www.dianabrandmeyer.com My email is DLBrandmeyer(at)gmail(dot)com
Marty: marty(at)lintvedt(dot)us
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