We’re at the end of the month! 2020 has been such a turbulent year, and yet we have arrived at the end of April. Time still marches on.
I’ve been self-quarantining since March. At the beginning, I didn’t get a lot of reading done. I just started reading again, and I’m finding my groove.
Here are three books I plan to read in May:
I was first introduced to Older’s writing when he was a guest speaker in my MFA program at Seton Hill University. His books are so rich and fluid and real. He also writes
I love dual timeline stories, and I heard great things about Quinn’s novel. I look forward to reading it!
This is a nonfiction book. I started using the YNAB budgeting software last year, and I am infatuated with YNAB’s budgeting philosophy. I hope to read the book now to solidify the principals which underly the software.
P.S. I highly recommend YNAB. You can try it free for 34 days, and you can get an additional 30 days free through my referral link for a total of 64 trial days.
Question for You:
What books are you looking forward to reading in May?