Steps to an Effective Prayer Life
Last November, I was fiddling through some books I had and came across an excellent book which I red many years ago: Change Your Life by Becky Tirabassi. In one section of the book, she outlines a method for prayer journaling which I have started using and it has had a great impact on my relationship with Christ.
Tirabassi advises readers to get a notebook and divide it into eight different sections. They are:
Section One: Talk to God
- Praise
- Admit
- Request
- Thanks
Section Two: Listen to God
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Listening
- Action Steps
Each section covers specific aspects of prayer and enables you to go deeper in your personal time with God. Today we’ll discuss the ‘Praise’ section. The Bible commands us to praise God regularly with our mouth. (Psalms) Praising God has many benefits. WhenI praise God, I remove the focus from myself and instead focus on Him. By doing so, my problems, worries and concerns fade in importance. After doing this long enough, I start to build faith and trust in who He is and what He can do.
How to Praise God
Praising God is simple. I recommend getting a One Year Daily Bible which has a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. In your daily reading, flip to the Psalms, read it and use the verses to form a personal prayer of praise to Him. Saying the words aloud builds your faith and you can also write them in your personal prayer journal.
Here’s an example from Psalm 1:
“I praise You Lord because you don’t allow me to walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers. Instead you enable me to take delight in your law day and night. I praise you Father because you make me like a tree planted by rivers of water. I bring forth fruit in my season and You prosper whatever I do.”
What are some ways you ensure that you intentionally praise God?
Next Monday, we’ll discuss section #2 of your prayer journal: Admit.