We’re continuing again with our Visionating Series. We are building a personal life plan based on my ebook, Visionating. Hopefully everyone has their binders and dividers which I discussed in last week’s post. If you turn to page five of the e-book, it’ll provide detailed instructions on how to set up your life plan.
Today, I want to talk about the foundations of designing a life.
Have you ever been in a conversation where someone raised the question: “What do you do?” Typically, people answer this question with their job title or occupation. “I’m a teacher.” “I’m a writer.” “I’m a doctor.” Etc. But this only scratches the surface. The real question should be: “Who are you?”
Personally, I’ve spent a long time trying to do something. When I finally achieved what I wanted to do, I was unhappy and empty. I made the mistake of formulating my identity around my accomplishments (or lack of accomplishments). You know the cliche: “We are human beings, not human doings.” But it’s true.
So today, we are not going to create a list of goals to accomplish in the next 1, 5, 10, 15 years. That will come in time. If we don’t have a strong sense of identity, the goals we set will be fruitless. Instead, I want you to think about who you are. Freewrite using the questions on page 6 of Visionating and see if anything insightful pops up in your writing. I suggest doing this over the course of a few weeks. Keep asking the same questions and see what happens. You don’t have to write for long stretches of time. Set a timer for five minutes and answer one question. The next day, try another question. And another… And another…
See you Wednesday!