So there have been two things that I’ve been avoiding : doing our taxes and polishing up a synopsis for a novel I have written. Funny how I have written the whole story, I’ve edited it multiple times, but then I cringe at doing a synopsis. Probably because the idea of consolidating an entire story in a few pages feels overwhelming. Would I have to read the whole book again to nail the synopsis?
However, to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I did skim read the book. Since I’ve written it already, I pretty much know what happens from a skim read. After days of working on it, I can finally say the synopsis is done. {YAY}
Now back to those taxes…
The taxes gave me a headache. This is because we have multiple businesses and keeping track of them has resulted in a paperwork fiasco. I’ve stayed up many late nights gathering receipts and staring in a semi-comotose state at the Turbo Tax screen.
This year, I’ve resolved to streamline this whole thing and to learn how to do basic bookkeeping. My mother was an Accounting major, so this stuff should come naturally to me, but it doesn’t. I tend to overcomplicate things. It’s just how I’m wired.
Funny though, I’ve been using the taxes to procrastinate on polishing the synopsis and using the synopsis to procrastinate on doing the taxes.
This is what they call Type A mania 😉