November has been a very eventful month for me. I’ve been finishing up one writing project, starting another writing project and getting the house in order. I’ve also noticed that with all this activity, I’ve been lagging in my personal time with God and not reading the Bible and praying as often as I would like. Whenever this happens, I take silent note of it but then I keep blazing forward thinking to myself ‘I’ll get to it tomorrow’ but then another day passes.
So, after getting frustrated with this cycle, I dedicated time in my day to fit in more time with God. It’s been a slow ramp up, but I’m learning to not be so hard on myself in this area and just do what I can. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I have to contend daily with the tendency to be a perfectionist about things, even grace-filled things like my relationship with Christ, but I’m working on getting better at it.
With that said, I’m also thinking about 2013 and where I’d like to take this blog in the new (and maybe subsequent?) years. I’m leaning towards doing a One Year Bible online. Actually, this has been something on my heart for a few years now, but I’m still trying to work out the logistics in my brain. I’ve been reading the One Year Bible on my own, and it’s been a great way for me to read the Word in small snippets and not get overwhelmed by the idea of reading THE BIBLE (lol). So, I thought I’d take the journey with you in 2013. Still trying to think about the frequency of the posts, etc. If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them with me.
Till next time…