I recently got the idea to have a separate, DESIGNATED space for writing in my home. Being a mom of two and running a home daycare means that a lot of the space in my home is dedicated to the proper care and feeding of children.
Since 2008, I’ve kept all my writing material in a tote bag which I can carry with me to the bookstore or keep next to my bed.
But dreams shouldn’t be stuffed away in a tote bag. They should have a space of their own.
So I decided to save up some money to buy this fold out desk which I saw on Amazon and have my husband install it in our bedroom. I love this type of desk because it won’t clutter up our space. I’m not a big fan of clutter. It stresses me out.
I also have a portable file box which I’ll use to keep my current work in progress. In this file box I’ll have a specific folder for each chapter, outlines, character sketches, research, marketing plan, etc. Then when the book is complete, I’ll transfer all that info to a binder and put it up on my bookshelf, and then use my file box for the next book.
I’ll still keep my tote bag because I do like to leave the house and type away at a bookstore on weekends. (Always have to have an escape route!)
How have you made space to pursue your passion?