Novelist and homeschooling mom Michelle Griep is joining us today on The Literary Mama. Michelle’s latest time travel novel Undercurrent, releases this month. I’m please to have her as our guest today.
Welcome to The Literary Mama Michelle. Tell us a little about yourself.
I live in the frozen tundra of Minnesota. Only one of my birdies has flown the nest thus far so there’s never a dull moment with 3 kids, a dog, and last but not least, my husband. Likes: dark chocolate, rollerblading and Spaghettios. Dislikes: fruit, scowling faces, and early morning.
In addition to writing, you also homeschool your children! How do you balance it all?
Apparently you didn’t notice the frayed hem on my superhero cape. Family and schooling takes up the lion’s share of my time but I do have one dedicated night per week when I run away from home to write. You can find me at Panera with a cup of java and chocolate chunk cookie every Thursday evening.
What is Undercurrent about?
People go missing every day. Many meet with foul play, some leave the social grid by choice, but others are never accounted for. Where do they go?
Successful linguistics professor Cassie Larson leads a life her undergrad students hope to obtain, until she tumbles into the North Sea and is sucked into a swirling vortex…and a different century.
UNDERCURRENT is the story of a missing woman who learns that success has more than one definition, especially when viewed in light of the past.
How did you come up with the concept for Undercurrent?
There’s an old family story my mom told me about her mom, Clara Brekke. Sometime back in the early 1900’s, Clara’s father took her two-year-old sister and walked out the front door. Just like that. No bags packed. Not a word about where they were going or when they’d return. Nothing. No one ever heard from them again. As a result, I’ve always been curious about missing people. UNDERCURRENT is my ‘what if’ daydream.
What interests you about the Viking age?
Besides the roots of Christianity in the Nordic culture, there’s a ton of other fascinating facts. Case in point…Bubba the Viking. Did you know there’s actual graffiti carved into wood and stones left behind by these fellas? And who would’ve known that one of these big beefy warrior’s names was Bubba? Not kidding. Feel free to use that tidbit as an icebreaker at the next party you attend.
What research was involved in writing this novel?
Reading until my eyes turned bloodshot. But my favorite form of research is sending out random e-mails to experts. Guess what…more often than not, those people answer! I heard back from master ship builders, archeologists and language professors.
What other new projects do you have in the future?
I could easily be persuaded to write a Viking sequel if readers swamp my publisher with requests. I’ve also recently finished a historical fiction set in the Regency period (think Jane Austen) which involves an opium addict and a man who’s slowly going insane.
What is one thing people may be surprised to know about you?
I’m an introvert. If left to my own devices, I’d move to a cave on the British seaside and live as a hermit.
How can readers get in touch with you?
Visit my website at or e-mail me directly at michellegriep(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for stopping by today!
You can order Undercurrent at Risen Books or Amazon
Thanks so much for hosting me!