This will be my last post for 2011! I can’t believe how fast time has flown. 2011 was my first year of regularly blogging and I’m happy to say it was a successful one. I’ve had the opportunity to “chat” with you about my three main interests: Faith, Family and Fiction.
So what’s new on the fiction front for 2012?
We have some exciting author interviews and guest blogs lined up for January with romance authors: Elizabeth Camden, Mary Manners and Andrea Boeshaar. In addition, I’ll be reviewing one of Mary Manner’s releases and a great futuristic YA novel.
If you checked out my contest page, you probably noticed that I have some fun contests planned for the year. Check back on January to see what I have planned.
I typically get so excited about the New Year and have great anticipation and excitement. But this year I feel like I’m running a marathon and 2012 is just one leg of a long journey. God has taught me about the value of perseverence and counting the costs.
This scripture has been on my mind:
Luke 14:28-30, NIV
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.”
So I’m considering the life God desires for me to build, and I’m calculating my resources to see if I have enough “money” to complete it. The cost of discipleship is high, and not for the faint of heart (hence, the marathon analogy earlier). But if I am to build anything of value in the new year, I must first determine the cost.
Simple concept but challenging to execute, especially in our fast paced society.
What do you intend to build in your life? Have you counted the cost to complete it?
Happy New Year!!
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