For the next few Mondays, I’m blogging about the ins and outs of prayer journaling. I’ll talk about things like: finding the time, what to write, how God speaks, etc. On the days when I’ve taken the time to prayer journal, I felt energized, focused and sensed His clear direction concerning different aspects of my life. It’s a great spiritual discipline.
So I’m issuing a challenge to all who feel led to prayer journal. Get any type of notebook (spiral, marble, loose leaf paper in a binder) and title it “(Your Name) Prayer Journal”. Then, get a Bible..any Bible. (I like the One Year Bible, New Living Translation) This week, set aside 15-30 minutes and read a passage from the scripture. After reading your passage, write to God.
Write to God?
It doesn’t have to be anything lofty or super spiritual, just write your thoughts, concerns, worries, joys. Imagine Him sitting there with you, conversing with you. What would you say to Him? Write it down.
Next Monday, I’ll talk about finding time to prayer journal. Something all busy moms needs.
I thank God for my career.