“I wish I was more disciplined.”
Do you ever say that to yourself?
I do. A lot. But let’s think about this question for a moment. We are disciplined. We are all very disciplined.
Some of us (I hope!!) are disciplined with taking a shower every day (or every other day!). A lot of us are disciplined with brushing our teeth. Or drinking coffee. Or dropping our kids off at school.
We can’t say that we’re undisciplined. There are a lot of actions we engage in without thinking about them. We are disciplined in areas like the ones I just mentioned. They’ve become habits. Personally, I believe that habits give our brains a rest. If I had to consciously think about brushing my teeth every day, it would create a tremendous strain on my psyche. Habits make life easier. They’re one less decision that we have to make!
“But I don’t want to be disciplined in simply brushing my teeth!” you say. “I want to be disciplined in (insert your struggle here).”
Yes, I know. Here’s the secret: you have to develop a new habit. To develop a new habit, you have to consistently form a new one, thereby putting pressure against (and eventually eliminating) the old habit.
Let me explain…
Sustained Focused Effort Over Time…Like Water on a Rock
Matthew 11:12 says: “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.” This verse isn’t talking about physical violence (you know, the cops and robbers kind). The Greek word for “the violent” is “biastes.” “Biastes” describes people who “strive to obtain privileges (of the kingdom of God) with the utmost eagerness and effort”
To take something “by force” is “harpazo” in Greek. It means to “seize, pluck, pull, take by force.”
I heard one pastor say that water which constantly drips on a rock will eventually break down the structure of that rock. It can break it down so much that the rock crumbles to pieces. There’s also a Chinese saying which says: “Constant dripping of water wears away the stone.” My engineer husband confirmed that this is true in nature. Water can break down rock if it consistently drip, drip, drips.
Knowing this truth is very freeing because it doesn’t say you need a huge boulder to break down a rock. Nope. It’s something small, very small, but it’s done consistently.
What small habit could you develop in your life that, if applied consistently could lead to breakthrough changes in other areas of your life?
It could be something like:
Making your bed as you as you wake up
Getting dressed in a real outfit (something other than sweats/pajamas)
Leaving fifteen minutes early for appointments
Not checking social media until after lunch
Tiny changes like these can have ripple effects. Eight years ago, when I first left my full time job, and I had loads of free time (pre-children), I decided I’d make my bed every day. I wasn’t making my bed every day, and my times always felt like it was getting away from me. After making my bed every day for a month or so, I started noticing how I had a nice looking bed, but the rest of my room was a mess. So I started picking up around my bedroom soon after I made my bed in the morning (another tiny habit). Eventually, I could see my bedroom floor again! And it all started with making the bed.
What tiny new discipline could you do that, if done consistently, could lead to breakthrough change your life?
Happy Monday!!!
Thank you Preslaysa, that was really nicely written and enjoyable to read. It made me think of my bedroom, and other areas of my life.