Today, I am excited about tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’m attending a homeschool conference. I went to the conference last year when my son was only one years old. (Yeah, I’m the type that likes to be prepared.) And I’m going again this year. I’ve never homeschooled before, and we plan to “formally” homeschool a few years from now. The decison is a huge step for me. It’s kinda overwhelming when you have to decide:
1) what to teach
2) what not to teach
3) how to teach what you teach, and
3) how to measure that they are actually learning something!
But I don’t think these issues are specific to homeschoolers. All parents have to grapple with these questions, important questions, weighty questions. Many times, we teach our children by example. My two year old is a parrot. He repeats 95% of what we say. (Doesn’t means he listens to everything we say. But he sure does repeat it!) He definitely keeps me on my toes. And I’m glad for it.
He’s learning now. I call it learning through osmosis, something all people do. We pick up on our surroundings and form beliefs and values based on it. Some good, some bad. Some neutral.
This concept hit home when I saw an ultrasound of my son for the first time. I thought of all the junky stuff I had done and experienced in my life, and I was in awe. In awe of a God who would still entrust a human life to me, a cracked vessel. It speaks of His grace towards me, and His trust in me.
Whether I show myself trustworthy is up to me.
Sometimes it’s scary to think I have such a huge responsibility. I’d like to chalk things up to “fate” or “God’s will” but these phrases only serve as a Bandaid to what I know to be true: God’s will is that I follow His will, but following His will is up to me.
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