Mini Job Your Way to a Clean House
So we just wrote each task on a separate index card (color coded of course). See Part 4. We also estimated the time of each task and wrote “mini” on a card if the task took ten minutes or less.
I call these tasks mini-jobs. I like completing a mini-job on my index card and filing it away. It givers me a psychological boost knowing I’ve completed something (completing things can feel hard to do, especially when you’re a super busy mom).
By the yard it’s hard but, inch by inch, it’s a cinch.
I sprinkle these mini-jobs throughout my day. While my two year old is eating lunch, I swiffer the floor. If I’m on the phone, I can put up clean dishes. During nap time, I can quickly feather dust the wood furniture or attack a clutter spots. (I have a lot of these!)
Mini-jobs almost makes cleaning exciting.
Not really, but I’m trying to motivate you here.
But mini-jobs do provide a sense of accomplishment.
But then there are those index cards that are real dogs. They stare you in the face and you just can’t muster the willpower to do them. Things like:
- wiping the ceiling fan blades
- cleaning out the refrigerator
- decluttering a closet filled with junk
- cleaning out the garage
What to do when you don’t feel like tackling these tasks? We’ll talk about it on Friday.
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