Today’s Success Quotes for Women comes from Marva Collins. A lot of my ideas on achieving success came from a position of powerlessness. I waited on other people to give me what I could give myself.
So I wasted a lot of years waiting, waiting, waiting. I waited inside another person’s system, a system not designed for me to succeed. I waited for them to give me success.
Instead of waiting, I could’ve created my own model for success. However, that meant taking the long road. It involved changing my way of thinking and being in the world. It involved a lot of inner work.
The book of Joshua says that if we meditate on the Word of God day and night and then we will “MAKE our way prosperous and have good success.” I truly believe the spiritual route is the best way to renew our mindsets, redefine what success means to us, and then achieve it.
How about you? Are you waiting for the world’s definition of success to fall into your lap?
Or are you doing the inner work to define what success means for you? Are you creating your own system of “success”?
I think most people are like this. They wait for the ship to come in. The problem is that you either have to build a dock or row out to where the ship can safely moor. Your ship can’t just “come in”.