I have to admit, pushing past the hard stuff in my life has been…hard. I’ve had to burn bridges, make soul-brave decisions, and release what no longer served me.
In the end, I didn’t lost much, but I gained myself. How are you rising up today?
Official Site of Preslaysa Edwards - Preslaysa Williams
Author. Actress. Blasian Gal.
I have to admit, pushing past the hard stuff in my life has been…hard. I’ve had to burn bridges, make soul-brave decisions, and release what no longer served me.
In the end, I didn’t lost much, but I gained myself. How are you rising up today?
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
Oprah Winfrey
It’s Friday! I have had a lot of good news, and I’m celebrating all of it.
But I’m also celebrating who I’ve become in the process. How about you? #BlackGirlMagic
“Wisdom is higher than a fool can reach.” -Phillis Wheatley
You’re made of the stars, and so reach higher than fools.
“No one can figure out your worth but you.” -Pearl Bailey
I learned Pearl Bailey’s wisdom the hard way. Once I learned it, I never forgot it. Set your value.
Know your worth because there’s a world out there that’ll like to tell Black + Brown women they are worthless.
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”
Maya Angelou
What leaves you in awe? What makes you whole? Follow that. Follow it for the rest of your waking life.
“I sit and sew–a useless task it seems, my hands grown tired, my head weighed down with dreams.”
Alice Dunbar-Nelson
Is your heart sick with unmet dreams? Persevere. Don’t give up. Your desire is just around the corner.
They say I don’t got a voice. They say don’t nobody want to hear what I have to say.
(Sorry, I’ll use my English. Ahem.) They say say I don’t have a voice. They say no one wants to hear what I have to say. They’re wrong.
Somebody out there feel like I feel, see what I see, think what I think.
Somebody out there crying cause ain’t nobody listening to them.
Somebody out there is talking in silence, is speaking to the voices in they head ‘cuz the voices outside they head tryna drown ’em.
So I’ma speak out. Hopefully, that somebody out there will hear me speaking and get speaking hope for they-selves.
Hopefully, that somebody out there will see me shouting and get a shout about them too. The kind of shout you get in church on Sunday when the preaching real good.
I hope.
“You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story.” -Lisa Nichols
My life has made another turn around the calendar today. I spent some time last night thinking about my year and this upcoming one.
Lisa Nichols’ quote encapsulates what I strive towards for this new year of life: designing my destiny, authoring my story, keeping outside, negative forces at bay.
Outside forces are just that: outside. They don’t control my inner life, that quiet space where I create with God. That space where I allow and disallow people, places, and ideas in my sphere. We have the ability to create our worlds.
So today, I invite you to dive within yourself and create yours.