Happy May!
This is officially my first blog post for the new month. At the beginning of every month, I hope to give you an update on where I’m at with my writing life. So here goes:

Graduate school & my thesis novel
I completed my MFA thesis novel in April and sent it to my advisors. I’m waiting to hear back on whether my thesis passed. (Fingers crossed!) If all goes well, then I will defend my thesis and graduate with my second graduate degree in June (next month!)
Thesis defenses and graduations usually occur during an on-campus residency each semester. Due to the pandemic, my last MFA residency will be virtual. So I will defend my thesis virtually and graduate virtually. I am a-okay with a virtual residency and graduation. I want to stay as healthy and safe as possible so that I can continue to write books and be a living human being 🙂
I love my MFA thesis. It’s my most ambitious project to date. It’s a dual timeline story that takes place in the past and the present. It’s told from two points of views, and it has touches of magical realism.
My new writing projects
I’m brainstorming a new contemporary romance novel. I thought I would be in the throes of drafting this novel by now, but that didn’t happen. There has been so much upheaval in my life since the pandemic. I haven’t had much time to sit down and be a creative writer. However, I’m now setting aside time to brainstorm a story. I hope it’ll be a good one!
My current releases
Healing Hannah’s Heart will be in audio book this Summer 2020. I am really thrilled about this news. I will keep you updated on the progress as it moves along.
My novel with Avon/HarperCollins
Earlier this year, I got the BEST NEWS EVER. My contemporary romance sold to Avon/HarperCollins. I’m working on the developmental edits for the story. I get to dive into the story world of my fictional bridal shop in Charleston, South Carolina again and make it the best book that it can be!
I cannot wait for this story to be released! Publication is tentatively set for the summer of 2021. I’ll give you updates every step of the way.
That’s all that I have for now. I hope you’re staying safe and practicing social distancing. Until next time!