One of my “things” is obsessive list making. After I read the book “Getting Things Done,” I am all about the context lists. I have ‘to do’ lists ready for most areas of my life: @ the computer, @home, @phone, @errands, @waiting (things I’m waiting on). My life is pretty full and using David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” method has kept me on track (most of the time).
Now that it’s the day after Christmas, I have some down time. I’d rather do this:
But I really need to do this:
I need to clean all the spaces in my house that I haven’t gotten around to during the year…like baseboards and the tops of kitchen cabinets and the backs of stoves. I’ll also dejunk my house and my garage of excess clutter. Helps me clear my mind and my space for the new year.
But I won’t spend my entire day engaged in backbreaking labor. To feed my creative side, I’ll also do this:
I am a journaler and I love to write by hand. When I wake up early enough, I prayer journal to clear my brain and set a course for my day.
An aside: Do you see a trend here with my desperate need to regularly clear my physical and mental space? The Man says I get a fit of the crazies and start dumping everything in sight. He wisely advised that I stop bringing items into the house…ahem, shopping…to avoid this vicious cycle.
But that’s no fun.
Anyway, during this period before the new year, I’ll also be engaged in other types of writing besides prayer journaling. I’ll write my intentions for 2014, I’ll pound out wordage on a manuscript I’ve been working on, and I’ll be doing the final edits on a manuscript before I send it off to be critiqued.
And I’ll have to put up all the Christmas decor in the house and put our tree out on the sidewalk to be picked up by the trash man. My three year old will be devastated, but I’ll keep reassuring him that we’ll have another tree next year.
What will you be doing between now and January 1st?
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