On Monday, I talked about the importance of keeping journals. As you know, I’m a crazy journal keeper J I’m in good company. God journals too.
“You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was
Recorded in your book.
Every single moment was laid out before a single day had passed”
(Psalm 139:16, NLT).
After I wrote the Jan 3rd post on journaling, I came across this scripture in Psalm 139. At the end of every day (or early next morning), I jot a few lines down about how my day went: the highs, the lows, etc. It was awesome to discover that God keeps a book on me (and you!) too with one difference: He has already written a book about all the days I’d live out on this planet while I’m chronicling my life as I live it.
An amazing dynamic.
Pondering this, I asked God: ‘How can I know if what I’m writing each day aligns with what You already wrote in Your book? Are there any discrepancies between the two?’
Or does what I journal about in my Mead composition books about automatically align with His book because He’s well…God?
I’m still wrapping my mind around this one and I can’t say I have a clear answer but one thing I do know, it’s possible to know what’s in the book He’s written about me. It’s also possible for you to know what He’s written in His book about you.
It’s also possible to synchronize the two. How?
I’m still in the process of discovering that answer. However, as I’ve embarked on prayer journaling, I’ve learned He doesn’t reveal all the answers all at once. He provides guidance and direction little by little, day by day, ensuring I live by faith. Some days, I feel His peace as I sense Him revealing the next step in my journey. Other days, I feel as if I’ve just been on a mental rant for the past hour.
As the days, the months, the years, the decades pass, all those pages I’ve written will create a book of my life. And maybe it won’t be until eternity when I’ll read His book about me.
And smile.
Read and speak the Word. Your thoughts, actions, and words will align with His Word.